Recent Posts on Blunt Therapy
How Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Zambia Radically Changed the Way I See Addiction
Drug and alcohol abuse in Zambia is rampant. In this post, a licensed mental health professional shares how her experience there changed how she sees addiction.
A Dentist Reveals How Your Mental Health and Oral Health Are Connected
The link between mental health and oral health is undeniable. In this article, we’ll examine the relationship between these two seemingly unrelated concepts.
Distorted Thinking: 10 Common Cognitive Distortions You Need To Avoid
Cognitive distortions are irrational and distorted thinking patterns that are often the root cause of depression and anxiety. This post teaches you how to identify and defeat them.
How To Prepare For An Intervention That Will Actually Work
If someone you love suffers from addiction, an intervention may be a way to get them help. In this post, learn 6 ways to prepare for an intervention that works.
12 Hard Questions You Want To Ask Your Therapist But Don’t (According To Google)
Many clients have questions they want to ask their therapist, but are uncomfortable doing so. In this post, you’ll get answers to 12 of them.
5 Ways Parents Can Raise Emotionally Intelligent Kids
Emotionally intelligent kids are not just smart. They are smart about feelings, both theirs and others. Here’s how parents can teach them to be that way.
5 Ways You Can Help The LGBTQ+ Community Fight Stigma
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Questioning (LGBTQ+) community faces unique challenges with mental health stigma. Here are 5 ways to help.
5 Reasons Why You Should Adopt An Emotional Support Dog Today
Emotional Support Dogs help with depression, anxiety, trauma, and loneliness. In this post, I share with you 5 ways my own support dog has changed my life.
How To Ruin a Great Relationship in 8 Easy Steps
Whatever you do, avoid these 8 toxic relationship behaviors – unless you want to ruin yours.
7 Myths About Addiction You Need To Stop Believing
Myths about addiction get sick people killed. There’s no other way to state it. Few other epidemics have been so horribly misunderstood.
9 Dumb Platitudes That Suck The Air Out of a Therapy Session
A platitude is cheap. It’s a throwaway statement, one well-meaning people use when they don’t know what else to say. But platitudes have a way of angering those on the receiving end.
Chronic Stress Is Killing You. Here Are 4 Ways To Fight It.
Research says that 77% of Americans suffer from chronic stress. We know that life is stressful. But the impact of chronic stress is far graver than you thought.